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I've had executive coaches in the past and this was hands down a different experience with Jennifer. 

Partner, Professional Services Firm

Jennifer has proven to be professional, thoughtful and insightful in her questions as she has encouraged me to explore perspectives not previously considered.  This coaching relationship has helped me make significant positive changes not only in my professional career, but as well in my personal life.  I have had several coaches over the years, but none have proven to have Jennifer’s ability to connect at a personal level, and provide an environment where I have been comfortable sharing my challenges.  Her ability and desire to move beyond personal coaching and into organizational change, to include insight on design and drive on execution and accountability has proven invaluable to me over the years.

Practice Leader, Professional Services Firm

I very much appreciate you. While you definitely helped coach me through the promotion process that’s ongoing, your feedback and conversations on many topics have truly helped me deal with what could have definitely been a mind-kerfuffle to deal with. I don’t know how I could say thank you more, but on the topic of legacy, you have made your mark on me.

Partner, Professional Services Firm, USA

I participated in a staff retreat facilitated by Jennifer Campbell with about 40 of my colleagues. I learned a lot about myself as well as my colleagues and had a fun time as well. I also enjoyed the coaching and feedback refresher as these skills always come in handy. Jennifer had a relaxed and engaging style which I feel kept me focused over the two days. She was flexible and adaptable while still keeping us on track and on time. Thanks, Jennifer!

Assistant Secretary Treasurer, BC School District

I really enjoyed working with you over the last couple of years. I’ve always admired the way in which you handle yourself and push others towards greatness. You have for sure made an impact on me personally and professionally!

Director, Global Learning & Development, Professional Services Firm

You are incredible! I don’t know how you do it, but you are always so on point and so fast! Thank you very much for taking the time to share your feedback. I completely agree with your recommendations and will share your feedback with my performance manager. I also very much appreciate your offer to help me brainstorm ideas to address challenges and may take you up on that in the future. 


Leadership Learning Consultant, Professional Services Firm

Jennifer provided HSWC's leadership team with a fantastic leadership capacity building program that focused on celebrating and enhancing the collaborative and feminist approach we take to managing our diverse teams.

Executive Director, Not-for-Profit

[The Leadership@ Program provided] relevant course material, excellent guidance and coaching with information that I will refer back to again and again. Highly recommended.

Retail Manager, Not-for-Profit

Jen Campbell is an engaging presenter with a wealth of knowledge that she is able to articulate in a manner that allows the participant to go away with concrete skills to initiate change in a respectful manner. As a manager, Jen gives you the tools to be able to navigate the intricacies of different perspectives and hurdles that you may come across in working with a wide variety of individuals.

Allison Gilchrist, Community Program Manager, Howe Sound Women's Centre

I didn’t think it was my place to ask too many ‘why’ questions – why are we doing this? Why now? I was given the project to manage and told to make it happen. The Planning and Managing Conversations have given me the tools and the right approach to ask why and engage people in the right conversations. Now we are all on the same page and I feel confident we’ll get to a great result.

Leading Change for Project Managers course participant, Project Manager, Professional Services

I have had the pleasure of working with Jennifer as both a colleague and more recently as a client. She is an exceptional consultant and I would highly recommend her to anyone looking for executive coaching support; to develop and execute a key business strategy, or to design and deliver an impressive learning or meeting experience for any size group. Jennifer literally connects with everybody; she has a positive and sunny outlook that is infectious, yet she is also business focused and able to zero in on addressing critical business and cultural issues. Her insights, expertise, and sense of humour are an unbeatable combination.

Director of Leadership Development, Kinross Gold

I will use these tools when I start the change management conversations with my business leads. I feel more prepared to guide the business to help them build their change management plans and for me to identify the risks of the change.

Leading Change for Project Managers course participant, Project Manager, Professional Services

I have enjoyed working with Jen on a global optimization project and really value her professional insights and input. She is skillful at introducing clear and concise frameworks with a firm direction and plan. Jen assured success of our change management activities by introducing a process that could be operationalized and built into a continuous improvement cycle, including all collaterals to support it. Very analytical and with a keen eye for details, she is also pragmatic and suggests realistic cost-effective strategies that work.

Global program manager, Global People, KPMG

Now I know who the right people are to have at the table, how to position things with clients, and how to engage in meaningful conversations about change.

Leading Change for Project Managers course participant, Project Manager, Professional Services

Thank you. This [company sale] transaction took a lot of effort from many people for the good outcome, including you.  Your steady hand, attention to detail and great judgement made a huge difference – I always felt supported and knew you had my back – the ultimate trust that is so precious.

CFO, Large Toronto Hospital

I'm really grateful for the support that I've gotten from you over the last year and the fact that our journey started with a 6-month commitment and has continued on for over a year, really says volumes about how much you've helped me. I needed a guide, and you helped me figure out where to start and to stay on track with the major transformational work I was undertaking. You helped to keep me accountable for what I was committing to doing. And in making that shift from one sector to another, the impostor syndrome was pretty significant, and you gave me a lot more confidence to achieve my goal. 

Watch Elizabeth's conversation with Jen about working together. 

Chief Administrative Officer, Village of Pemberton, BC

A million thank yous. You are a very big part of the success I and the leadership team have had. Few realize just how valuable your contributions are.

Canadian Managing Partner, Professional Services Firm

Loved this session! Engaging, informative, interesting!

Participant, Leading Change through Conversation

Thank you both for helping me with the training session.  It was on point and I appreciated the details that you filled into the concepts to help it hit home.  We have already been able to change the vocabulary in the shops for coachable moments and feedback which was one of my objectives.

Owner/Operator Whistler Cafe/Restaurant

Jennifer is an awesome teacher. Well presented and love your energy and attitude! Thank you for giving us this opportunity to learn more. 

Leadership Fundamentals Participant

AIM Changer is a really engaging program on an important, ever-changing topic. 

Jim Newton, Partner, KPMG

Conversational Leadership was a great part of our New Manager Conference. Jennifer presented practical tools I can use right away to improve my first-time manager skills. 

Conversational Leadership Participant

The AIM Changer content is rich and has a practical focus to help lead teams through change. Jen is a dynamic facilitator with tons of experience and relevant examples that bring the content to life.

Sabine Delajoud-Morel, Managing Director, Global Learning & Development, KPMG

Jen, thank you! Getting a room full of introverts, with a token representation of extraverts, to willingly volunteer their opinions is not for the feint of heart, nor the short on energy or grit. I feel that you have given the team the confidence to ‘find another gear’ and I’m excited about what we are going to accomplish.

Director of IT, Public Sector

This course is super valuable. I loved the personal change journey and seeing how I can impact others to move through change successfully. Jennifer and Rebecca know their stuff and facilitate truly effective learning.

Alix M, Not-for-Profit Manager 

When I decided to make a career path change back to consultancy, I knew it was likely I would achieve a more successful transition if I invested in some one on one coaching with Jen.  Jen had worked with me when I was in the client role, so she understood my strengths and values and helped me reexamine and tap into those, so I could build a sustainable practice around bringing those skills to assist my clients.  Jen enabled me to focus on what tangible steps I could take, and kept me accountable for pacing my expectations of myself as I made the transition.  I am so happy where I am right now and will carry Jen's feedback and wisdom forward with me.  Thanks so much Jen!

Coaching Client, Consulting Firm, New Zealand

Thanks so much for your leadership and the conversation today.  The listening and the thoughts, opportunities and challenges you shared with the team were exemplary.

Manager, Utilities Group RMOW

Thanks again for your fabulous Talking Change presentation this afternoon! We had over 214 people in attendance, which is among our highest ever for the Continuous Improvement Speaker Series. You are a very articulate and effective speaker, and I love how engaging your session was. I took a lot of notes myself about how to facilitate engaging sessions.
Thanks again for helping us promote continuous improvement and good change management in state government!

Katie Bockwoldt, M.S. | Director of Performance Improvement, State of Vermont Agency of Administration

I'm the perfect example that coaching works...I did everything you recommended and now I have my own business doing my dream job! 

Taking AIM workshop participant

I have tremendous respect for the quality of work Jen produces, her ability to organize multiple tasks with ease, to jump into a project and see the priorities, a just-get-it-done attitude, and an easy way of rallying a team. She adds value to every project we have worked on and it is always a pleasure to partner with Jen on a team or 1:1.

Managing Director, Professional Services Firm

This a very meaningful amount of work that required everyone’s contributions. There were significant change management challenges and a lot of time required to execute on training, portals, communications and content. Thank you very much to everyone for your contributions. But a very special thank you to Jennifer, whose change and project management skills are second to none and helped us both execute on all the tiny details and pull together the big picture. 

Managing Director, Professional Services Firm

It was great to focus on me for a change. This was a great opportunity for me to just stop and look ahead at the path that I’m on and make sure it’s the right one.

Taking AIM workshop participant

Working with Jen has been incredibly successful and personally rewarding. Together, we established clear goals and I committed to concrete actions for the career change I wanted to accomplish within a short timeframe. During our coaching sessions I became self aware of my professional attributes, skills, and values, and as a result, gained the confidence to achieve my career change within six months. Jen and I continue our regular sessions which now focus on a number of other positive changes I want to achieve in my life.

Coaching Client, Ontario Public Service

Through coaching with Jen I was able to identify what was stopping me from getting what I want out of life. I have become conscious of my inner voices and aware of what I am capable of. Highly recommended in a period of transition or change!

Coaching Client, Plant Systems Owner and Trainer

Jen's insight and guidance are remarkable. She has helped me identify challenges, opportunities and patterns in the various aspects of my life and to seek the changes I want.

Coaching Client, Non-profit Manager

Through working with Jen, I’ve become more self-aware and conscious of the choices and decisions I make. I’ve incorporated ideas that we talk about during our sessions into my life already. It feels good and it feels different.

Coaching Client, Client Services